Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Change of Agenda

We live in a world where resolutions come and go.
Where the last one has more meaning than the next.
And the last one has no meaning at all.
We live in a world where "flip-flopping" is the norm.
Soon it shall be the fashion.

When it comes right down to it, I haven't got the time I wish I had, the will power I wish I had, to give this project any level of credence. There is too much that happens in this world, everyday. And this Earth of ours has enough people to document its affairs in a manner sufficiently captivating.

But there was something about the title. I liked the name of this blog. I liked the idea behind what it might have stood for. And I like the subtext, though it remains unapplied to any current material here.

It isn't as if I spent an eternity thinking of what way to take this blog. It's simply that I couldn't come around to finalising my decision until just now. But given the general significance, the potential for questioning aspects more social and human, the course is now set.

This blog shall now become more a diary of strange and intriguing happenings on the London Public Transport Network.

Well because the mystery is perhaps lessened on the grand scale, but made more shocking in how close it shall come. Perhaps one day I shall change the name of this blog. Perhaps.

Still, from now, I can at least pick up my poor forgotten child and give it a purpose beyond that which it had. And should it languish unloved, it shall not be for lack of attention.